I was born in 1975. I went to school for 13 years (which is common in Germany, and if you want to go to a university after). I always enjoyed painting, drawing ,sculpting in wood, clay and alabaster very much, but I never thought of becoming an artist...(my Dad is an art historian which always was kind of intimidating in that respect). Then I spent 4 months in Russia, worked with a mason for some weeks ... and started studies in biology. Two years later, I figured out I was missing something and went to a school for wood carving for 3 years. I spent one year trying to sell sculptures which didn`t work very well, I just didnīt feel ready to be an artist somehow. I started studies in forestry 4 years ago, and slowly built up my work as a chainsaw sculptor besides that, so now i am getting ready to do the most fun parts of both... Chainwaw Chix rock!
~Stephanie Huber
Munich,Germany |